celebrating award wins for our clients

Congratulations to our clients who won a Good Design Award this year! Across consumer products, medical devices and aquatic sportstech equipment, the awards are a celebration of successful product design and the ways we collaborate to improve lives and make the world a better place.


Presto Salon Hairbrush Cleaner by Comfortel Furniture won a Good Design Award Best in Class in the Product Design category.

Comfortel presto - dynamic airflow

Presto is an electric hairbrush cleaner that makes it easy to remove hair from hair brushes. It solves the manual task of hairbrush cleaning and results in a faster, more thorough and more hygienic experience for hair stylists and their clientele. After an extensive research program, our team gained a deep understanding of the way hair stylists work and how they need to maintain a clean and efficient salon environment. By applying this knowledge and working closely with Comfortel and salons, we designed and developed this new stand-alone salon product for Comfortel. 

Good Design Awards Jury statement “By deeply understanding the end-user and salon environment, the design process has resulted in a unique product that addresses a pain point for stylists. This device could save time and make the hair salon a cleaner, safer place to work. There is a true need for this in salons. Overall, this is a really impressive example of design and engineering and a standout project that ticks every box for design excellence in this category. Well done.”

Okti mobile EEG by Compumedics Ltd won a Good Design Award.

Compumedics Okti mobile EEG monitor

We have worked closely with Compumedics for many years. As a collaborative team we design and develop life-changing medical devices that detect and monitor epilepsy, brain disorders and neurological diseases. For Okti, our design and engineering team focused on creating a device that reduced the fear and stigma associated with having at EEG. Okti’s design supports ground-breaking technology that allows a patient to move around untethered while undergoing hours of EEG monitoring.

Okti is the world’s first fully mobile high-density electroencephalogram (EEG) system. The device can be rapidly set up to comprehensively analyse brain conditions without patients being tethered to large diagnostic equipment confined to a single room. Okti is optimised for children and provides crucial diagnosis of brain disorders for early and effective treatment.

wheezo digital wheeze monitoring system by Respiri Ltd won a Gold Good Design Award.

Our design team worked with Grey Innovation, who had developed the original electronics for wheezo, to design and develop an engaging and user-friendly format the engaged and inspired children and their carers to use it. Our focus was to develop an ergonomic hand-held form for wheezo, that mimicked the shape of a smooth pebble or egg-shape that children felt comfortable holding and interacting with.

Designed to assist with asthma management, wheezo is a digital wheeze monitoring system that mimics how doctors listen for respiratory wheeze with a stethoscope. The device works hand-in-hand with an app and a healthcare professional portal to record, analyse, share and build a picture of a person’s asthma. This process works by tracking self-reported symptoms, triggers and medication use.

Zygo underwater streaming headset by Zygo also won a Gold Good Design Award.

Zygo transforms swimming and swim training to help people unlock a love of water. It’s a world-first communication system that facilitates real-time underwater coaching, app based training and audio streaming for swimming and water sports. Our mechanical engineers and industrial designers worked with the co-founders of Zygo and the electronic development team at FDPDCS LLC to transform and design and detail Zygo ready for action underwater.

Tapsquire Wallet by Tapsquire won a Good Design Award. 

Tapsquire is a premium contactless card wallet that allows a user to individually tap their cards straight from their wallet at the press of a button. Engineered for simple contactless convenience and designed for consumers who appreciate style, traditional materials and craftmanship, we worked with co-founders Ben and Peter Campain to design, detail and develop Tapsquire ready for production.

We’re honoured to have collaborated with all of our clients to create, engineer and develop world-first, state-of-the-art products. Congratulations to everyone!


Founder and Managing Director
Director - Design and Mechanical Engineering
Belinda Stening Design Strategist and Industrial Designer
Design Strategy and Marketing

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